Want to join our Roster?
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Frequently Asked Questions
A manager is on-boarded to a talent's team to collaboratively map out the strategic direction of their career. Acutely positioned as the talent's business partner, a manager will help direct, advise, commercialise, broker, future-proof & protect the careers of their client.
The relationship between a talent & manager works across a long term strategy often spanning 3+ years, working across all verticals of that talent's career. Therefore, ensuring the talent have the right manager with the right experience, to trust with their career is imperative to a successful partnership.
Once your objectives have been expressed to our management team, we will work with you to build a scope of work. As a rough guide the District roster sit between £2,000 to £15,000 for a post. We recommend you collaborate with the talent's representative to understand the value touch points beyond the metrics to ensure a win:win partnership. Value is not always financial, our best partnerships cross pollinate into the talent's business plan.
Please do get in touch, highlight who & what you would like to gift. Our team will then liaise with the talent on whether they would like to take you up on your offer. We must caveat that with gifting, we cannot guarantee editorial coverage across any of our talent's social platforms. Should you want coverage, please do send your budget & scope of work, our team will work with you to activate a campaign with your chosen talent.
Looking for management representation? Our team have a flexible management approach that adapts to the wants and needs of your business.
Francesca Scambler and Charlie Terry co-founded talent management company District Global Group in 2021. Respectively helming a decade of experience each, Francesca's talent management experience commercialising the careers of digital first talent paired with Charlie's entrepreneurial experience and market knowlege of digital. District has the right leadership to offer an evolved approach to talent management in the UK.
There are multiple access points into the District ecosystem:
Brand counsel - you require a strategic advisor for your next talent-led campaign.
Talent management - you are a talent looking for career counsel and/or brand partnership execution.
District Studios - Due to the growing demand for producing content, we work with talent to optimise their content strategy, plug in production needs and aid in community management.